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Color Me Spring

I took this picture at the Brunschwig & Fils showroom in Atlanta. Don’t the COLORS in these ikat prints make you excited for spring??  Now, if only the weather will warm up…. Until then, here are a few images of the beautiful China Seas fabric line to keep you inspired:

Antiquing in ATL

I am in Atlanta right now on a buying trip.  This morning, I grabbed my Starbucks coffee and headed to the antiques market.  From the moment I set foot in the warehouse- I was in heaven.  There were beautiful antiques as far as the eye could see….. Of course, I had to get moving because […]

Recent Project: Master Bedroom

I recently decided that it was time to update my master bedroom.  Whenever I design for myself- I always run across the same question: Why is it so easy for me to make design decisions for my clients….but when it comes to designing my own home- I slow down? Well, I am happy to announce […]

Bathroom Renovation

A client recently came to me looking for ways to renovate her kids’ bathroom on a budget.  She wanted a timeless and classic look without “breaking the bank”.  Despite what many people believe, there are wonderful inexpensive options out there!  I love a challenge… I set out to give her the high-end  look that we […]